Category: safety

It is very safe to drive to Rocky Point Mexico from Phoenix. first Make sure you drive during the day and use the Lukeville/Sonoyta border crossing. The stretch of highway just past the border to Puerto Peñasco was designated as a “safety corridor” in 2016.

Make sure to purchase Mexican car insurance and slow down as soon as you cross the border. The speed limit in Mexico is in kilometers, not miles and you will get pulled over if you go even one kilometer over.

Expect exceedingly long lines at the border going into Mexico on Fridays and coming back to the US on Sundays.

The current question is, what about violence and such from cartels or opportunistic folks in Puerto Penasco. The current travel ban is based on an event far from Rocky Point, however we will address that in the next FAQ

Is it safe to drive to Rocky Point Mexico?
Tag: Driving

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