Is Puerto Penasco Safe


Popular question in the southwest, is Puerto Penasco safe? Also known as Rocky Point, is a beach resort town located in the northwestern part of Mexico, on the shores of the Sea of Cortez. It is a popular destination for tourists, especially from the United States, due to its proximity to the border and its reputation as a relaxing vacation spot. However, safety concerns have been raised about the city in recent years, leading many potential visitors to question whether it is safe to travel to Puerto Penasco.

Crime in Puerto Penasco:

Puerto Penasco Police

Like any other city in the world, Puerto Penasco has its fair share of crime. However, the crime rate in the city is lower than in other popular tourist destinations in Mexico, such as Cancun and Los Cabos. According to recent statistics, the crime rate in Puerto Penasco has decreased in the past few years. The local police force has also undergone significant changes to improve its effectiveness.

Even though Puerto Penasco is safe from cartel crimes, kidnappings, and violence, it has some concerns. Common types of crimes in Puerto Penasco include theft, burglary, and vandalism. Visitors should take the usual precautions such as locking their valuables in a safe, avoiding carrying large sums of cash, and not leaving their belongings unattended in public places.

Safety Measures:

Local authorities have implemented several measures to ensure the safety of tourists in Puerto Penasco. The police force has been increased, and their training has been improved to better handle emergency situations. Many hotels and resorts have also taken measures to increase security, such as installing surveillance cameras and hiring private security personnel.

In addition, tourists can take their own safety precautions by staying in reputable accommodations, not traveling alone at night, and avoiding going to isolated areas or beaches.

Health Concerns:

Puerto Penasco is generally considered safe in terms of health risks. However, visitors should take precautions to avoid contracting common illnesses such as food poisoning, sunburn, and dehydration. It is important to drink plenty of water, apply sunscreen, and eat at reputable restaurants. Medical facilities are available in Puerto Penasco, but visitors should have medical insurance to cover any unexpected medical expenses.

Natural Disasters:

Puerto Penasco is located in an area that can have natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Local authorities have taken steps to prepare for these events, such as developing evacuation plans and establishing emergency shelters. Visitors should be aware of the weather conditions during their stay and follow the advice of local authorities in case of an emergency.

Travel Warnings:

Currently, there are no travel warnings for Puerto Penasco specifically but the state of Sonora has a one. However, travelers should always check the latest information from their country’s embassy or consulate in Mexico. Travel warnings are issued to inform travelers of potential risks and dangers, and tourists should take them seriously. It is important to understand the reasons for a travel warning and to make informed decisions about travel plans.

Experience of Tourists:

Many tourists have visited Puerto Penasco and have had positive experiences. The city is known for its beautiful beaches, friendly locals, and relaxed atmosphere. However, some tourists have reported incidents of petty theft and other crimes. Visitors should be aware of their surroundings and take precautions to avoid becoming a victim of crime.

How to find trustworthy information about safety in Puerto Penasco:

Tourists can find trustworthy information about safety in Puerto Penasco by consulting official sources such as the embassy or consulate of their country, as well as reputable travel websites and guidebooks. They can also read reviews and recommendations from other travelers to get a sense of the experiences of others. Below is a few of my top places and guides but there are many more.

  1. U.S. Department of State – Mexico Travel Advisory: The U.S. Department of State provides travel advisories for every country, including Mexico. Their website is a great resource for up-to-date information about safety and security concerns in Puerto Penasco.
  2. – Mexico: This website is operated by the New Zealand government and provides information about safety and security in Mexico. They also offer practical travel advice for New Zealand citizens.
  3. Puerto Penasco Travel Advisory: This website provides an overview of safety in Puerto Penasco, including crime rates, travel warnings, and tips for staying safe. It’s a great resource for anyone planning a trip to this destination.
  4. Lonely Planet – Mexico: Lonely Planet is a well-known travel guide company, and their website provides a comprehensive guide to traveling in Mexico. Their Mexico guide includes information about safety and security, as well as practical travel advice.
  5. Tripadvisor – Puerto Penasco Forum: Tripadvisor is a popular travel website where users can find reviews and recommendations for hotels, restaurants, and attractions. Their Puerto Penasco forum is a great place to ask questions about safety and security in the area.
  6. Mexico’s Beach Resorts For Dummies: This book is a comprehensive guide to Mexico’s beach resorts, including Puerto Penasco. It includes information about safety and security, as well as practical travel advice.
  7. Puerto Penasco: Rocky Point Safety Map: This map provides an overview of safety in Puerto Penasco, including information about crime hotspots, areas to avoid, and tips for staying safe. It’s a great resource for anyone planning a trip to this destination.
  8. Puerto Penasco News: This Facebook group provides news and updates about Puerto Penasco, including safety and security concerns. It’s a great resource for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date on current events in the area.
  9. Puerto Penasco Travel Talk: This Facebook group is a forum for travelers to discuss all aspects of travel to Puerto Penasco, including safety and security. It’s a great resource for anyone planning a trip to this destination.
  10. Rocky Point Talk: This Facebook group is a community forum for Puerto Penasco residents and visitors. It includes information about safety and security, as well as local news and events.


Puerto Penasco is generally considered a safe destination for tourists, with a lower crime rate than other popular tourist destinations in Mexico. Local authorities have taken measures to ensure the safety of visitors, and tourists can take their own precautions to stay safe. Visitors should also take steps to protect their health, be aware of natural disasters, and stay informed about

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